
Welcome to Season One of the Data Dream Team Podcast

About this Episode

Welcome to the home of the data dream team. Pop, here it is - the Data Dream Team series from Soda Podcast.

In this inaugural episode, Natasha will give you a glimpse into what’s ahead as we explore how to build today’s data team.

From Soda, the provider of data reliability tools and observability platform to enable data teams to discover, prioritize, and resolve data issues.


Episode Transcript


Welcome to the Soda Podcast.

Greetings everyone. Hello, I'm Natasha. I'm from Soda. Soda Data, an idea born in Belgium that is now supporting everyone to discover, analyze, prioritize, resolve, and prevent data issues so that everyone can get close to data and everyone can work with trusted data that enables them to make decisions with confidence. And that's our mission, ambitious, and we're having fun along the way.

One of the things we often talk about is our passion for being part of this bustling data community, meeting people and hearing their stories. And no matter what the story is, it usually gives us a different perspective, an understanding of where someone else is coming from. And at the same time, it can remind us of ourselves in some way or some of the challenges that we're experiencing. And that's what this Soda podcast is all about in relation to data and the tools, technologies, methodologies, and people that use it every day.

We want to bring forward the different voices and perspectives that perhaps you haven't heard before and help find a common ground to solve the problems that many are facing when it comes to good data. Because when that happens, change is really possible. So that's what we're up to.

First up, we're tackling the Data Dream Team with Jesse Anderson. The lineup of guest is fantastic. I'm excited for everyone to listen, learn, and like. We think the topic of data team is really important, not only because we believe that data is a team sport, but because with the seismic shift to making data front and center in so many organizations, there's a new approach needed to align how the organization, the team, the people are structured and organized around data, new roles shifted accountability, breaking silos, and forging new channels of collaboration – we’ll be talking about it all. We're talking to some amazing people who are going to share the good, the bad, and the ugly that has helped shape their data teams, their data careers, and a little bit of life in general. So here's what you need to do - tap follow, please, just add soda and that way you won't miss out. You'll be the first to know about new shows from soda as soon as they drop. We're so excited. So follow us and listen for free.

Remember to check for additional resources. We'll meet you back here soon at the Soda Podcast.

Nov 1, 2021
S1 Ep01
Welcome to Season One of the Data Dream Team Podcast
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Welcome to Season One of the Data Dream Team Podcast