
Pipeline TestingGood-quality Pipelines & Workflows

Soda makes it easy for you to test data quality early and often in development and production pipelines. Soda catches data problems far upstream, before they can impact your business.
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Test early, test often.

Use SodaCL, a human-readable and -writable language to test and monitor data as-code in CI/CD and data pipelines.
  • Out-of-the-box and quick-to-scale built-in checks and metrics.
  • Write data checks-as-code.
  • Manage version control of check files in Git.

Integrate with the tools in your stack.

Soda integrates with the tools your data team is already using. See all of our Integrations.
  • Email, Slack, and MS Teams for communication.
  • Alation, Atlan, Metaphor data catalogs.
  • Jira, Opsgenie, and ServiceNow with webhooks for incident management.
Azure Data Factory
Microsoft Teams
Power BI

Get instant alerts when issues arise.

Integrate Soda with your on-call systems to get alerts about data quality issues.
  • Get alerts in Slack, MS Teams, and email.
  • Use webhooks to route alerts to your on-call systems.
  • Create incidents to track issue investigation.
Soda Slack Instant Alerts

Empower everyone to manage data quality.

Unite data producers and consumers in defining good-quality data that’s good for business.
  • Establish an agreed-upon state of data quality.
  • Use one language to detect and prevent issues.
  • Share dashboards to monitor data quality health.

Give it a spin
with your data.

See how Soda works with our full-featured, 45-day free trial. We’ll also be glad to give you a demo.
Start Free 45-Day Trial
Soda gives us the end-to-end observability we need to be more confident about the data that is feeding our AI and ML powered digital engines.
Tiago Andrade
Head of Big Data & AI
Americanas S.A.
Soda provides transparency and confidence about the data. This keeps us ahead of the game offering future-proof financial investment services to our clients.
Martijn Spaan
Head of Data and Oversight
NN Investment Partners (NN IP)
Soda offers a highly intuitive environment where business and technical users can collaborate to tackle their data quality problems and address some of the main impediments of sustaining data quality programs.
Jason Medd
“Cool Vendors in Data Management”
Soda is a key part of our data architecture. It allows teams to align on quality expectations before data products go live.
Mario Konschake
Product Lead Data Platform
We have a shared belief in improving end-to-end data issue workflows so that data teams have the power to prioritize and resolve issues across an entire organization.
Niels Zeilemaker
We need a way to monitor the quality of our data sources: for this purpose we use Soda’s open source testing and monitoring tool to apply tests and metrics directly to operational data sources.
Alessandro Lollo
Senior Data Engineer
Cloud Academy